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Abhinava DESIka and UttamUr Uttama SwAmi mAhAtmyam - By MadhurAntakam SwAmi
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From: Anand Karalapakkam (kgk_at_md2.vsnl.net.in)
Date: Sun May 14 2000 - 04:03:08 PDT
Date: Sun May 14 2000 - 04:03:08 PDT
SrI: SrI PadmAvati SamEta SrInivAsa Para BrahmaNE namaha SrImad abhinava dESika UttamUr VAtsya VeerarAghavArya - mahAdESIkAya namaha SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN SatakOpa SrI - nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha Dear devotees, namO nArAyaNa. The following is the translated excerpts from two articles in tamil by the famous SrI U.Ve. MadhurAntakam VeerarAghavAchArya swAmi, who was one of the greatest vidvAns of the last century. Recently the centenary of MadhurAntakam swAmi was celebrated in a very grand manner at SrIrangam under the presidentship of H.H. SrImad Poundarikapuram Andavan. H.H. Jeeyar of SrI - ParakAla Mutt also graced the celebrations. The star event was the 5 day Vidwat Sadas and pArAyana (recitations) of all branches of vEdAs, Divya Prabandhas, SrI SUktIs of AchAryas, IthihAsa - PurANas etc. adiyEn had the fortune of being present there for all the five days and obtain the blessings of all AchAryas including MadhurAntakam SwAmi, apart from the Divya Dampatis at SrIrangam. The street procession of SwAmi DESikan (arcA mUrti) and MadhurAntakam SwAmi's photo was a great treat. It was an excellent experience indeed, well attended by many devotees and adiyEn has many new acquaintances now. Kindly refer to the archives for the information about the illustrious Life and Works of SrI MadhurAntakam SwAmi. He was a classmate of SrI UttamUr swAmi in their younger days. They didn't loose their contact and were good friends when they later became accomplished scholars and addressed each other as "brother" in their correspondence. Article #1 "abhinava dESikar" : ---------------------------------- This article in tamil by SrI MadhurAntakam SwAmi was published in the souvenir released in commemoration of the SatAbhishEkam (80th thirunakshatram ie. birthday) of SrI UttamUr swAmi on 10th Feb 1977. Some excerpts : ABHINAVA DESIKA ********************* The article starts with a Sloka composed by SrI MadhurAntakam SWami : "abhinavadESika birudAnuguNa guNaSrENi bhUshNO bhAti | sacchakravarti kulavidhurakalankO veerarAghavAcAryaha || " " Being Uttama (noble) similar to the place (UttamUr ie.Noble place) in which he took the avatAra, Being nallAn (good) to us similar to his kulam (nallAn chakravarti lineage), Being PaNdita Cakravarti (Emperor of PaNditas ie. Scholars), Being vatsa (SrIvatsa gOtra) and Being vatsala (very affectionate) -- These are the things which we experience from abhinava dESika, for whom is the SatAbhishEkam being performed. There are many special features of earlier DESika, that are present in abhinava DESika ......." MadhurAntakam SwAmi in his own anubhava, then contrasts the lineage of AchAryas for SwAmi DESikan and Abhinava DESikan and draws some parallels < Please refer to an earlier posting on KOzhiyAlam swAmi viz. Nine Gems.... for the details on these lines>. MadhurAntakam Swami then continues .... " Moreover, earlier DESika was glorified as 'SAmskruteebihi drAmidIbhihi bahvIbhihi krutibhirjanAn | yassamujjIvayAmAsa tasmai sEvyAya mangalam ||' (ie. May Mangalaattain SwAmi DESikan, who protected the world by his hundreds of works in Sanskrit and Tamil -- 10th Verse of SrI VEdAnta DESika Mangalam, composed by SrI KumAra VaradAchArya, foremost disciple and son of SrI VEdAnta DESika). We can also glorify abhinava dESIka like this, is it not ? In accordance with 'sahasrEshu ca paNditaha', only one from several thousands of people can attain the scholarship of being a paNdita. Even then, the wealth of 'exposition' (pravachana / delivering discourses) will be poor. 'vaktA SatasahasrEshu' is the saying. Even if one is skilled in both of these (ie.scholarship and ability to deliver discourses), one will not have the skill in writing extraordinary works. Also, in the war of debate, it will happen for them to run by showing their back ; They will only be in destitution of sAhitya ie. literary composition. Even if all these exists, they will not have vinaya (modesty/humility), AchAram (good conduct / observance of dharmaSAstras etc, esp. rites of nitya and naimittika karmas in accordance with VarNAshrama dharma), devotion to bhagavAn, bhAgavatAs and AchAryas, kshamA (patience) and cAturyam (amiableless). SrI VEnkatAdvari in VisvaguNAdarSana says that, the earlier DESika had all of these viz. vEda-SAstra- SAhitya-vinaya-AcAra-bhakti-kshamA-cAturya. Similarly are so for abhinava dESika. ". Article #2 "UttamUr Uttama SwAmi MAhAtmyam" : --------------------------------------------------- This article in tamil by SrI MadhurAntakam SwAmi was published in the souvenir released in commemoration of the 88th thirunakshatram of SrI UttamUr swAmi on 25th Jan 1984. This was the immediete thirunAkshatram after SrI UttamUr SwAmi attained AchArya thiruvadi ie. Paramapadam. Some excerpts : ----------------- UTTAMUR UTTAMA SWAMI MAHATMYAM ******************************************************************** "In SubhAshita NIvI, SwAmi DESikan starts with the following verse for the MahApurusha-paddati : 'satAmEva khapushpatvam yEshAm yatsadasatvayOhO | na jAtu tasya tattAbhyAmiti tEshAm sa viSvadruk || '. Sun is an analogy for MahApurushAs (Great Men). When Sun is there, the presence of stars will not be seen. The lustre of stars will be very small. Even when the Sun is not there during the nights, the stars will be present all over the sky, like a scattered flower. Whether the stars are either present Or absent, there is no loss(in lustre/superiority) to the Sun. The lustre of Sun always reigns supreme. Similarly, in the presence of mahApurushAs (greatest of men), the presence of other Sat(s) will not be seen. Even when that mahApurusha is absent, it will be felt that, no other Sat is present. The import is that, even when other Sats are either present or absent, there will be no decrease in the prakASatvam (lustre Or greatness Or superiority) of mahApurushAs. (satAm - For Sats - Stars ; khapushpatvam - diminishment of lustre, present as a flower in sky) -> UpamAna alankAra in SlEsha is employed in the verse. SrI UttamUr SwAmi was present as the best example to this (as a mahApurusha). Even when swAmi graced the earth, the greatness of other mahAns didn't get highlighted. Even when the swAmi attained nitya-vibhUti (SrI VaikuNTham), it gives the feeling as though there is no mahAn present in this world now ! ". ------------------ When one of the stalwart AchAryas of the last century has paid such laurel tributes, it goes without saying as to what all other vidvAns would have felt about SrI UttamUr swAmi. SrI MadhurAntakam SwAmi, recalls the days of his youth with SrI UttamUr SwAmi : "For around 8 to 10 years , we both were classmates in the MadhurAntakam school. We studied the fundamental texts of NyAya Philosophy under Swacchandam swAmi (One of the greatest authorities in NyAya SAstra, of those times). We studied kAvya-nAtaka-alankAra-campu etc literary fields in sanskrit, starting from naishadam, under SrI Garudapuram SwAmi (A great mahAn who later became a sannyAsi; SrI MadhurAntakam swAmi's AchArya and underwhom he studied the rest of NyAya and VEdAnta SAstra). We studied VyAkaraNa (Sanskrit Grammar) texts like Kaumudi and ashtadyAyi (4000 sUtras for grammar by PAnini) under ThirukkaLLam VyAkaraNa MahAvidvAn, who was a classmate of SrI KOzhiyAlam swAmi. We performed the vEda adhyayanam for first khAndam together. In the meantime, by the invitation of KuppuswAmy SAstri - the principal of ThiruvaiyARu Sanskrit College, Swacchandam swAmi had to go to that college. He wanted to take both of us along with him. But, my father didn't allow for that. UttamUr SwAmi alone got the permission of his father and went there. In those times, NyAya and mImAmsa (ie.pUrva mImAmsa) together constituted one SirOmaNi degree. So, UttamUr swAmi had the fortune of learning the whole of mImAmsa SAstra under the Srauti-GanapAti-mImAmsa vallabha ChinnaswAmi SAstri (a great authority in mImAmsa of those times). Since the two degrees (SirOmaNi in NyAya and mImAmsa) got separated during the time when UttamUr swAmi gave the examination, swAmi wrote the exam for NyAya SirOmaNi and obtained the degree. In PudukkOttai samsthAnam also, he passed the examination in first class. I learnt the pancavAdAs in NyAya under my AchArya (SrI Garudapuram SwAmi) at MadhurAntakam. After three years, I went to ThiruvaiyARu and joined the (NyAya) SirOmaNi class ; Obtained the degree by giving the exams. In PudukkOttai exam also I passed in first class. ". ----------------------------------------- Please go through the following chart to have an idea of the KEtANDipaTTi SwAmi AchArya parampara, which belongs to the Munitraya AchArya Parampara. note : The (S) mark means that, the AchArya was a sannyAsi and the (G) mark means that, the AchArya was a gruhasta. SAkshAt SwAmi(S) | | Thirukkudanthai DESkan(G) | | --------------------------------------------------- | | | SrInivAsa Muni(S) VazhuttUr SwAmi(S) SeeyAlam RanganAtamuni(S) | | --------------------------------------------------------- | | | | LAdapuram aaNDikkADu SwAmi(S) | | SwAmi (S) | NAvalpAkkam | | | ANNayArya MahAdESikan(G) EyuNNi | | SrInivAsa | KEtANDipaTTi SwAmi(S) | RAmAnujaMuni(S) | | | | Kapistalam SwAmi(G) | {NAvalpAkkam | | AchArya Parampara} | | | | Peria ANdavan | SrInivAsaMuni(S) | | | | | ---------------------- | . . | . . | {PounDarIkapuram {PeriAshramam | ANdavan Parampara} ANdavan Parampara} | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | DengaNikOttai swAmi(S) | Kapistalam | | swAmi(G) Tirupati SwAmi(S) ThiruvahIndrapuram | SrI Chinna SwAmi(S) | | | | | --------------------------------- KOzhiyAlam SwAmi(S) | | | | | | | | | | | | Navaneetam SwAmi(G) Garudapuram SwAmi(S) | | | | | | | | ChEttalUr UttamUr SwAmi(G) | | SwAmi(G) | | SrIrAmadESikAchArya(G) MadhurAntakam SwAmi(G) Three SannyAsis viz. (1) SrInivAsa Muni, (2) VazhuttUr SwAmi (VEdanta RAmAnuja Muni alias "VazhuttUr Andavan" alias "SrIrangam SwAmi") and (3) SrI SeeyAlam RanganAtamuni were disciples of SrI Thirukkudanthai GOpAladESikan, who was a gruhasta. Because of these three Munis, the AchArya Parampara that followed them came to be known as Munitraya AchArya Parampara. SrI Navaneetam KrishnamAchArya, SrI Garudapuram swAmi (who later became a sannyAsi) and SrI ChEttalUr NrusimhachArya (another very famous AchArya) were classmates while learning under SrI ThiruvahIndrapuram (Chinna) swAmi . SrI Kapistalam DESikAchArya was another great scholar of the past. He learnt SrI BhAshyam under SrI KEtANDipaTTi SwAmi. SrI Kapistalam swAmi, who was a Professor in the Tirupati College, was instrumental in making UttamUr SwAmi join that college as his (junior) colleague. Since both UttamUr SwAmi and MadhurAntakam swami belongs to the AchArya parampara of SrI KEtANDipaTTi swAmi, they addressed themselves as brothers. Also, SrI UttamUr SwAmi with MadhurAntakam SwAmi as a classmate, learnt Sanskrit literature from SrI Garudapuram SwAmi. ------------------------------ Now, we have a good background in general regarding the Life and Works of SrI UttamUr SwAmi. Lets get into the quite detailed account on his Biography. adiyEn will post them as a series. After this series, we shall again enjoy the articles by other scholars on UttamUr SwAmi. Again, adiyEn requests you all not to miss the previous postings on UttamUr SwAmi. Please do go through them in your leisure. Thanks. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan, anantapadmanAbhan. krishNArpaNam.