நம்பெருமாள் ஆடி 18 முதல் புறப்பாடு
நம்பெருமாள் ஆடி 18 முதல் புறப்பாடு
Namperumal adi 18 Mudal purappadu!
Sat Aug 4, 2012 1:29 am (PDT) . Posted by:
"Narasimha Bhattar"
Mangalasanams to all of our Friends!
Today is Adi 18, it is one of the auspicious day for celebration at
Srirangam Temple.
On this bright sunny day after the Jeshta-abhishekam our Azaghiya Manavalan
goes on Mudhal Purappadu (first procession). This cannot be described as
just a procession, as it is the First Grand Procession, of the King of
Gods! It is a might and majestic walk of the Ruler of Sri Rangam.
Aadi padhinettu, or Padinettam Perukkuis traditionally the day when sowing
begins for the annual crop of paddy. It denotes the onset of monsoon on
the western ghats.In the days before the interstate problems arose, it was
when Kaveri was in full spate around Srirangam.
History tells that all Civilisations � Indus Valley, Sumerian were born and
flourished near the banks of major rivers. It is indeed the river that
confers prosperity on people. The Hindu religion gives special place for
rivers and all nature and exhorts all to worship them. We all know Lord
Krishna exhorted the people of Nanda Gokula to make offerings to the
mountain Govardhan instead of Indra. Aadi 18 is our way of Thankgiving to
Kaveri who nourishes life all around her and is the source of prosperity
wherever she flows.
In Sri Ranganatha Sthothram Parasara Bhattar says,
� sapta prakara madhye sarasijamukulodbhasamane vimane
Kaaveri madhya dese mridutaraphanirstbhoga paryanka bhage |
nidra mudrabhiramam katinikatasira: psrsva vinyasta hastam
padmadhatree karabhyam paricitacara nam rangaraajam bhajeham
In the center of Ubhaya Kaauveri and in the middle of the seven ramparts
(prakarams) and under the Sriranga vimanam resembling a giant lotus bud
rests our beautiful Lord Ranganatha on His beautiful bed of Adhi Sesha in
the state of Yoga Nidhra with His right hand close to His crown and the left
hand on the left side pointing to His sacred feet. I pay my obeisance to
Saranyan, Sri Rangarajan.
No hymns to Namperumal start without the mention of Kaveri!
When Emberumanaar was away from Srirangam for some time, he was pining for
the Lord. He prays-
kadsham kaaveri vimala salile veeta kalusho
bhavryam tatteerr Sramamushi vasryam ghanavanr |
kadr vaa tat punyr mahati pulinemangala gunam
bhajeyam rangesam kamala nayanam Sesha Sayanam ||
When am I going to have the blessings of sevaa bhagyam of the lotus-eyed
Lord, Sri Rangesan, resting on His soft and comfortable serpent bed? When
am I going to be blessed to take my snanam in the cool and sacred waters of
Kaaveri River and become sinless? When am I going to gain the boon of living
in the verdant groves on the bank of this sacred river and worship my
bewitching Rangan?
Thondaradipodi Aazhwar praises Kaveri as more sacred than Ganga who
herself is actually Vishnu Pada Theertham � �Gangaiyir punithamaaya Kaveri�
Parasara Bhattar says, �The beautiful garlands that one sees every day
around Lord Ranganatha are a result of the pure water from the Cauvery.
Trees are seen all around the place, flowers bloom every day. All streets
and corners are clean and cool, with water from the Cauvery.�
It is worth mentioning here that though there are 10 wells inside the
Srirangam temple, the theertham for the Lord and for his Thirumanjanam is
from the Kaveri only!
On this day, Namperumal himself goes to Kaveri and makes offerings, so as
to set an example for people like us who may not be reverent enough towards
Kaveri. This festival is an appreciation and recognition of this
contribution of Goddess Kaveri and His way of showing gratitude to her for
helping the farmers for the coming harvest season.
On this bright sunny day after the Jeshta-abhishekam our Azaghiya Manavalan
goes on Mudhal Purappadu (first procession). This cannot be described as
just a procession, as it is the First Grand Procession, of the King of
Gods! It is a mighty and majestic walk of the Ruler of Sri Rangam.
This procession starts at around 6:00 AM and our Azagiya Manavalan proceeds
towards Amma Mandapam. Amma mandapam is a place where people take bath for
the ablution of sins before entering the Temple premises. Namperumal
reaches Amma mandapam, South of Srirangam, right in the mid afternoon
heat,and goes straight on to the Southern banks of Cauvery for
Azhagiya manavalan pays his respects to this beautiful river Kaveri..Our
Namperumal offers to Kaveri thaayar Garland , bangles , silk Sarees ,
Sandal and His holy prasadams.
As Our Azagiya Manavalan is enjoying the cool and gentle breeze at
Amma Mandapam,
sandalwood paste is applied to His Abhayahastham (the palm) and thiru marbu
(chest) For the next 3 hours, he provides darshan to the devotees at the
He then makes his way to the Moolasthanam. While proceeding towards the
Moolasthanam a short visit is made to Sri Godha Devi (Veli Andal) Sannidhi
... Veli Andal temple is the original Andal temple in Srirangam(before a
sannidhi came up later inside the temple) on the Southern end of West
Adaivalanjan. Namperumal exchanges garland with Godha Devi bringing to
end the �Aadi 18� Utsavam.
My sincere prayer is that HIS beautiful Voiyyara Nadai(Majestic Swinging
Gait) the aroma of kasturi thilakamum, the pleasent smell of the fertile
banks along kaveri and everything that has any relation with Sri Ranganatha
shall always remain in our hearts and minds.
Vachakadosham Kshamikkavum. I apologize for any faulty interpretation or
Adeyen Dhashan
Narasimha bhattar
Today is Adi 18, it is one of the auspicious day for celebration at
Srirangam Temple.
On this bright sunny day after the Jeshta-abhishekam our Azaghiya Manavalan
goes on Mudhal Purappadu (first procession). This cannot be described as
just a procession, as it is the First Grand Procession, of the King of
Gods! It is a might and majestic walk of the Ruler of Sri Rangam.
Aadi padhinettu, or Padinettam Perukkuis traditionally the day when sowing
begins for the annual crop of paddy. It denotes the onset of monsoon on
the western ghats.In the days before the interstate problems arose, it was
when Kaveri was in full spate around Srirangam.
History tells that all Civilisations � Indus Valley, Sumerian were born and
flourished near the banks of major rivers. It is indeed the river that
confers prosperity on people. The Hindu religion gives special place for
rivers and all nature and exhorts all to worship them. We all know Lord
Krishna exhorted the people of Nanda Gokula to make offerings to the
mountain Govardhan instead of Indra. Aadi 18 is our way of Thankgiving to
Kaveri who nourishes life all around her and is the source of prosperity
wherever she flows.
In Sri Ranganatha Sthothram Parasara Bhattar says,
� sapta prakara madhye sarasijamukulodbhas
Kaaveri madhya dese mridutaraphanirstbh
nidra mudrabhiramam katinikatasira: psrsva vinyasta hastam
padmadhatree karabhyam paricitacara nam rangaraajam bhajeham
In the center of Ubhaya Kaauveri and in the middle of the seven ramparts
(prakarams) and under the Sriranga vimanam resembling a giant lotus bud
rests our beautiful Lord Ranganatha on His beautiful bed of Adhi Sesha in
the state of Yoga Nidhra with His right hand close to His crown and the left
hand on the left side pointing to His sacred feet. I pay my obeisance to
Saranyan, Sri Rangarajan.
No hymns to Namperumal start without the mention of Kaveri!
When Emberumanaar was away from Srirangam for some time, he was pining for
the Lord. He prays-
kadsham kaaveri vimala salile veeta kalusho
bhavryam tatteerr Sramamushi vasryam ghanavanr |
kadr vaa tat punyr mahati pulinemangala gunam
bhajeyam rangesam kamala nayanam Sesha Sayanam ||
When am I going to have the blessings of sevaa bhagyam of the lotus-eyed
Lord, Sri Rangesan, resting on His soft and comfortable serpent bed? When
am I going to be blessed to take my snanam in the cool and sacred waters of
Kaaveri River and become sinless? When am I going to gain the boon of living
in the verdant groves on the bank of this sacred river and worship my
bewitching Rangan?
Thondaradipodi Aazhwar praises Kaveri as more sacred than Ganga who
herself is actually Vishnu Pada Theertham � �Gangaiyir punithamaaya Kaveri�
Parasara Bhattar says, �The beautiful garlands that one sees every day
around Lord Ranganatha are a result of the pure water from the Cauvery.
Trees are seen all around the place, flowers bloom every day. All streets
and corners are clean and cool, with water from the Cauvery.�
It is worth mentioning here that though there are 10 wells inside the
Srirangam temple, the theertham for the Lord and for his Thirumanjanam is
from the Kaveri only!
On this day, Namperumal himself goes to Kaveri and makes offerings, so as
to set an example for people like us who may not be reverent enough towards
Kaveri. This festival is an appreciation and recognition of this
contribution of Goddess Kaveri and His way of showing gratitude to her for
helping the farmers for the coming harvest season.
On this bright sunny day after the Jeshta-abhishekam our Azaghiya Manavalan
goes on Mudhal Purappadu (first procession). This cannot be described as
just a procession, as it is the First Grand Procession, of the King of
Gods! It is a mighty and majestic walk of the Ruler of Sri Rangam.
This procession starts at around 6:00 AM and our Azagiya Manavalan proceeds
towards Amma Mandapam. Amma mandapam is a place where people take bath for
the ablution of sins before entering the Temple premises. Namperumal
reaches Amma mandapam, South of Srirangam, right in the mid afternoon
heat,and goes straight on to the Southern banks of Cauvery for
Azhagiya manavalan pays his respects to this beautiful river Kaveri..Our
Namperumal offers to Kaveri thaayar Garland , bangles , silk Sarees ,
Sandal and His holy prasadams.
As Our Azagiya Manavalan is enjoying the cool and gentle breeze at
Amma Mandapam,
sandalwood paste is applied to His Abhayahastham (the palm) and thiru marbu
(chest) For the next 3 hours, he provides darshan to the devotees at the
He then makes his way to the Moolasthanam. While proceeding towards the
Moolasthanam a short visit is made to Sri Godha Devi (Veli Andal) Sannidhi
... Veli Andal temple is the original Andal temple in Srirangam(before a
sannidhi came up later inside the temple) on the Southern end of West
Adaivalanjan. Namperumal exchanges garland with Godha Devi bringing to
end the �Aadi 18� Utsavam.
My sincere prayer is that HIS beautiful Voiyyara Nadai(Majestic Swinging
Gait) the aroma of kasturi thilakamum, the pleasent smell of the fertile
banks along kaveri and everything that has any relation with Sri Ranganatha
shall always remain in our hearts and minds.
Vachakadosham Kshamikkavum. I apologize for any faulty interpretation or
Adeyen Dhashan
Narasimha bhattar