Sri Ramanujacharya
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Sri Ramanujacharya
The less known fact even among Srivaishnavas about this well known Acharya by whose name Srivaishnava philosophy is called 'Ramanuja Darsanam' and who is hailed as "Sri Vaishnava Siddhanta Nirdhaarana Saarva bouma". Complete Life History
Excellent write up on the life history of Sri Ramanujacharya. It covers his birth details, major events in the life, and final days of his life.
This articles covers major events in the life of Sri Ramanuja such as AchArya RaamAnujA born as the incarnation of AdhisEshan, The divine recogniton of Sri RaamAnujA's contributions, early Tuetlage at Kaanchipuram, Thirukkacchi Nampi and RaamAnujA, Sri RaamAnujA's move to Srirangam from Kaanchi, The Five AchAryans of AchArya RaamAnujA, The NINE Sri Sookthis of AchArya RaamAnujA, and more.
Sri Ramanujacharya's 82 statements to his disciples. Translated from "Sri Ramaanujar," pi. sri, sudhEsamitthiran, pp. 250 - 259, aagaStu 1964 .
Summary of Sri Ramanujacharya's Srivaishnava Sri VishishtAdvaitha philosophy.
We all take pride calling ourselves as Sri vaishnavas and more as Ramanuja Dasan / Dasi. When there were so many acharyas before and after Swamy Ramanuja, what is the uniqueness about Ramanuja. Let me share some of them with you.
Length: 2 hours
Language: Tamil with English subtitles
Sri Ramanujacharya
Sri Ramanujacharya
Sri Ramanuja (1017 - 1137 CE), the most important philosopher-saint of Sri Vaishnavam and one of the most dynamic characters of Hinduism. He was a philosophical as well as a social reformer, displaying a catholicity that was nearly unparalleled in Hindu religious history before him. He revitalized Indian philosophy and popular religion so much that nearly every aspect of Hinduism has been influenced by his work. His life and works show a truly unique personality, combining contemplative insight, logical acumen, catholicity, charismatic energy, and selfless dedication to God.The less known fact even among Srivaishnavas about this well known Acharya by whose name Srivaishnava philosophy is called 'Ramanuja Darsanam' and who is hailed as "Sri Vaishnava Siddhanta Nirdhaarana Saarva bouma". Complete Life History
Articles on Sri Ramanujacharya
Life History of Sri Ramanujacharya
By Sri U. Ve. Anbil RamaswAmy
Sri Ramanujacharya
By Sri. U. Ve. Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
Commandments of Sri Ramanujacharya
By Sri Parthasarathy Dileepan swAmi
Philosophy of Sri Ramanujacharya
By Sri M.S.Hari
Chronology of Bhagavath Ramanuja's Service for Sri Vaishnavam
By Sri U.Ve. Purisai Veeravalli VaradadEsikAcchAr Swamy of Pondichery
Translated into English by Sri Sri. U. Ve. Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan. All major events in the life of Sri RamanucjaryAs is covered.Ramanuja Sambandham
By Sri Velukkudi Krishnan swAmi
RAmAnusa NootranthAthi
By Sri PBA SwAmi
Sri Ramanusa NootranthAthi vyAkyAnam.=====================
Works of Sri Ramanujacharya
Work on Sri Ramanujacharya
Original Texts
By Sri Ramanujacharya
On Sri Ramanujacharya
- Ramanusa NootrandhAthi - Part 1 Part 2 - MP3
- Saranagathi Gadhyam - Real Audio
- Sriranga Gadhyam - Real Audio
- Vaikunta Gadhyam - Real Audio
Life History of Sri RAmAnujAchAryA
A classic movie by Sri Lakshmi Tatachar.Length: 2 hours
Language: Tamil with English subtitles