Six karmAs that are important for a BrahmaNan
Six karmAs that are important for a BrahmaNan_____________________________________
Srimath Azhagiya Singarin AruL MozhihaL
VedhO akhila dharma-moolam
vEdhO nityam adheeyatAm
AchAra heenam na punanti VedhA:
AchAra: prathamO dharma:
For all vaidhika karmAs that we perform, Vedam is the root ( Moolam). There is nothing that is not covered by Vedham. Those belonging to the three varNAs (BrahmaNa, Kashatriya and Vaysya) should learn to recite Vedhams. They should perform without fail the karmAs prescribed by the VedhAs and perform them with AchAram (in the customary manner established by elders & AchAryAs) and with suddham (bodily and mental cleanliness). KarmAs performed without AchAram will not bear fruit. AchAram is the way in which we protect our body and mind properly.
The ParASara Smruti Vaakyam states : "sandhyA-snAnam japO hOma: svAdhyAyO dEvatArchanam, VaisvadEvAtithEyam cha shaD karmANi dinE dinE" . This passage states that the Brahmins should observe all the following six karamAs daily : (1) Early Morning Bath /PrAta: kaala snAnam (2) SandhyA Vandhanam (3) Mantra Japam (4) Veda adhyayanam (5) VishNu ArAdhanam and the pancha mahA Yajn~ams including VaiSvadEvam . VaiSvadEvam is the karmaa for consecration of the food (anna suddhi).Some srutis explicitly state : “anna sudhdyartham VaiSvadEvam karishyE“. Vrudha ParaaSarya dharmam states that kaama, KrOdha , madha , maatsaryAdhis arise from annam and therefore it has to be consecrated . Atithi satkAram ( honoring /feeding guests) is essential before one eats PrasAdham offered to BhagavAn during the ArAdhanam . These then are the six karmAs that are important for a BrahmaNan.
Among the six daily karmAs , the most important is the one of SandhyA Vandhanam . The set among the six karmAs differ somewhat from Asramam to Asramam. For instance ,a gruhastan ( married man) has to perform snAnam , sandhyA , OupAsanam , agnihOtram , VaisvadEvam ,and atithi satkAram . For a gruhastan ( Married man) , all the above six karmAs have to be performed . BrahmachAri has to perform snAnam , sandhyaa , samidhA dhAnam , dEvatArchanam , adhyayanam and thereafter bikshai to have bhOjanam . SanyAsis have to perform snAnam , sandhyA , dEvatA ArAdhanam , Bikshai and yOgam . All of three ( as well as VaanaprastAs) have to perform sandhyA .and snAnam . Without sandhyA vandhanam , there will be no gaining of fruits for their karmAs . “sandhyAheena: aSuchi: nityam anarha: sarvakarmasu , yadhanyatkurutE karma na tasya phalamaSnutE“. One who does not perform sandhyA vandhanam is not considered clean . He is not qualified to perform any daily karmaa, and he will incur sins only on performance of the karmaa in that state of uncleanliness .The sandhyA performance provides the appropriate atonement/expiation for the mistakes in a timely manner . Hence , we have to perform sandhyA from upanayanam until the end of life. BrahmaNathvam is lost when one does not perform snadhyA vandhanam three times in a row. Therefore , one must perform sandhyA vandhanam without fail.
The snAnam before SandhyA: An Aturan and vyAdhigrastan ( one who suffers from mental or physical illness) may not be able to perform mukhya snAnam ( bath thru immersion in water) ; for him adhikAra anuguNa gouNa snAnam/Maanasa snAnam ( other mantra snAnams without immersion under water befitting their adhikAram ) is essential prior to the performance of snadhyA Vandhanam . When one does not perform sandhyA , he is called unclean (sandhyA heena: aSuchi:) . The performance of SandhyA vandhanam makes him clean through the utterance of the nine prOkshaNa mantrams starting with “ApOhishtA “. Through sprinkling of water with the utterance of these mantrams , he gains external purity. The recitaion of the mantrams starting with “SuryascchEti” and prAsanam of water leads to internal suddham . The text and meaning of the ApOhishtA mantrams are housed in appendix I of the 41st ebook of AhoBilavalli series entitled “ Homaa, Havis and Yajn~A” ( One sprinkles nine times from head to foot. The first 7 of the 9 paadhams ( Mantra bhAgams) are used for sprinkling on the head , the 8th for sprinkling of the foot and the 9th for sprinkling on the head . Sage VyAsar says that these nine prOkshaNams remove the sins that we accrue in nine ways. The first set of three sins among the nine kinds of sins originate from the three states of existence ( Jaagrath or wakeful, svapna or dream state and sushupti or deep slumber ). The second set of three sins arise from the three indhriyams ( manas, Vaak and dEham) . The third set of three sins originate from rajas, tamas and mOham . The prOkshaNams chase away the nine kinds of sins , Sage Sounaka observes that the nine kinds of prOkshaNams immediately banish sins accumulated over an year (samvatsara- pApam).
SooryascchEti mantrams and teertha prAsanam with them removes sins arising from manas , speech , hands , legs , stomach and other indhriyams. One gains anta:karaNa suddhi from such prAsanams and the performer's body also becomes pure( suddham). The kartaa becomes fit to perform Gaayatri Japam thereafter . Just as one with bodily aSuddham is not pleasant to watch , similarly , one who does not perfrom sandhyA vandhanam is unable to gain the fruits for any karmA he does and reaps only sorrow and sins .
Srimath Azhagiya Singarin AruL MozhihaL
VedhO akhila dharma-moolam
vEdhO nityam adheeyatAm
AchAra heenam na punanti VedhA:
AchAra: prathamO dharma:
For all vaidhika karmAs that we perform, Vedam is the root ( Moolam). There is nothing that is not covered by Vedham. Those belonging to the three varNAs (BrahmaNa, Kashatriya and Vaysya) should learn to recite Vedhams. They should perform without fail the karmAs prescribed by the VedhAs and perform them with AchAram (in the customary manner established by elders & AchAryAs) and with suddham (bodily and mental cleanliness). KarmAs performed without AchAram will not bear fruit. AchAram is the way in which we protect our body and mind properly.
The ParASara Smruti Vaakyam states : "sandhyA-snAnam japO hOma: svAdhyAyO dEvatArchanam, VaisvadEvAtithEyam cha shaD karmANi dinE dinE" . This passage states that the Brahmins should observe all the following six karamAs daily : (1) Early Morning Bath /PrAta: kaala snAnam (2) SandhyA Vandhanam (3) Mantra Japam (4) Veda adhyayanam (5) VishNu ArAdhanam and the pancha mahA Yajn~ams including VaiSvadEvam . VaiSvadEvam is the karmaa for consecration of the food (anna suddhi).Some srutis explicitly state : “anna sudhdyartham VaiSvadEvam karishyE“. Vrudha ParaaSarya dharmam states that kaama, KrOdha , madha , maatsaryAdhis arise from annam and therefore it has to be consecrated . Atithi satkAram ( honoring /feeding guests) is essential before one eats PrasAdham offered to BhagavAn during the ArAdhanam . These then are the six karmAs that are important for a BrahmaNan.
Among the six daily karmAs , the most important is the one of SandhyA Vandhanam . The set among the six karmAs differ somewhat from Asramam to Asramam. For instance ,a gruhastan ( married man) has to perform snAnam , sandhyA , OupAsanam , agnihOtram , VaisvadEvam ,and atithi satkAram . For a gruhastan ( Married man) , all the above six karmAs have to be performed . BrahmachAri has to perform snAnam , sandhyaa , samidhA dhAnam , dEvatArchanam , adhyayanam and thereafter bikshai to have bhOjanam . SanyAsis have to perform snAnam , sandhyA , dEvatA ArAdhanam , Bikshai and yOgam . All of three ( as well as VaanaprastAs) have to perform sandhyA .and snAnam . Without sandhyA vandhanam , there will be no gaining of fruits for their karmAs . “sandhyAheena: aSuchi: nityam anarha: sarvakarmasu , yadhanyatkurutE karma na tasya phalamaSnutE“. One who does not perform sandhyA vandhanam is not considered clean . He is not qualified to perform any daily karmaa, and he will incur sins only on performance of the karmaa in that state of uncleanliness .The sandhyA performance provides the appropriate atonement/expiation for the mistakes in a timely manner . Hence , we have to perform sandhyA from upanayanam until the end of life. BrahmaNathvam is lost when one does not perform snadhyA vandhanam three times in a row. Therefore , one must perform sandhyA vandhanam without fail.
The snAnam before SandhyA: An Aturan and vyAdhigrastan ( one who suffers from mental or physical illness) may not be able to perform mukhya snAnam ( bath thru immersion in water) ; for him adhikAra anuguNa gouNa snAnam/Maanasa snAnam ( other mantra snAnams without immersion under water befitting their adhikAram ) is essential prior to the performance of snadhyA Vandhanam . When one does not perform sandhyA , he is called unclean (sandhyA heena: aSuchi:) . The performance of SandhyA vandhanam makes him clean through the utterance of the nine prOkshaNa mantrams starting with “ApOhishtA “. Through sprinkling of water with the utterance of these mantrams , he gains external purity. The recitaion of the mantrams starting with “SuryascchEti” and prAsanam of water leads to internal suddham . The text and meaning of the ApOhishtA mantrams are housed in appendix I of the 41st ebook of AhoBilavalli series entitled “ Homaa, Havis and Yajn~A” ( One sprinkles nine times from head to foot. The first 7 of the 9 paadhams ( Mantra bhAgams) are used for sprinkling on the head , the 8th for sprinkling of the foot and the 9th for sprinkling on the head . Sage VyAsar says that these nine prOkshaNams remove the sins that we accrue in nine ways. The first set of three sins among the nine kinds of sins originate from the three states of existence ( Jaagrath or wakeful, svapna or dream state and sushupti or deep slumber ). The second set of three sins arise from the three indhriyams ( manas, Vaak and dEham) . The third set of three sins originate from rajas, tamas and mOham . The prOkshaNams chase away the nine kinds of sins , Sage Sounaka observes that the nine kinds of prOkshaNams immediately banish sins accumulated over an year (samvatsara- pApam).
SooryascchEti mantrams and teertha prAsanam with them removes sins arising from manas , speech , hands , legs , stomach and other indhriyams. One gains anta:karaNa suddhi from such prAsanams and the performer's body also becomes pure( suddham). The kartaa becomes fit to perform Gaayatri Japam thereafter . Just as one with bodily aSuddham is not pleasant to watch , similarly , one who does not perfrom sandhyA vandhanam is unable to gain the fruits for any karmA he does and reaps only sorrow and sins .