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Ramayan (Ramacharitmanas) (Download Audio)
- Table of Contents (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 1-97 pages (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 98-165 pages (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 166-198 pages (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 199-264 pages (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 265-315 pages (PDF)
- Bal Kanda 316-350 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 351-401 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 402-480 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 481-500 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 501-563 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 564-600 pages (PDF)
- Ayodhya Kanda 601-646 pages (PDF)
- Aranya Kanda 647-710 pages (PDF)
- Kishkindha Kanda 711-744 pages (PDF)
- Sundar Kanda 745-804 pages (PDF)
- Lanka Kanda 805-889 pages (PDF)
- Lanka Kanda 890-948 pages (PDF)
- Uttar Kanda 949-1022 pages (PDF)
- Uttar Kanda 1023-1101 pages (PDF)
- Agni Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Bhagvat Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Bhavishya Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Brahma Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Brahmand Puran (Read Online) (Download Part I) (Download Part II)
- Garuda Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Kurma Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Ling Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Markandya Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Matsya Puran (Read Online) (Download Part I) (Download Part II)
- Narad Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Padma Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Shiv Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Skand Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- BrahmVaivatra Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Vaman Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Varah Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Vishnu Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- Narsimha Puran (Read Online) (Download)
- AtharvaVed (Read Online) (Download Part I) (Download Part II)
- RigVed (Read Online) (Download)
- SamVed (Read Online) (Download)
- YajurVed (Read Online) (Download)
Yoga Sutras (PDF)
Vidur Niti (PDF)
Books by Swami Ramsukhdasji (by Gita Press) (Read)
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Mridul Chintan (Goswami Shri Mridul Krishna Shastriji Maharaj)
- September 2008 (PDF)
- October 2008 (PDF)
- November 2008 (PDF)
- December 2008 (PDF)
- January 2009 (PDF)
- February 2009 (PDF)
- March 2009 (PDF)
- April 2009 (PDF)
- May 2009 (PDF)
- June 2009 (PDF)
- September 2009 (PDF)
Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana) (PDF) (HTML)
Books by C RajGopalachari
Bhaktivedanta VedaBase in HTML format (ZIP)
Srila Prabhupada Books (ZIP) (PDF)
- The Bhagavad Gita (PDF) (ZIP) (DOC)
- Krishna Book (PDF) (ZIP)
- Nectar of Devotion (PDF) (ZIP)
- Science of Self Realization (PDF) (ZIP)
- Teachings of Lord Chaitanya (PDF) (ZIP)
- Teachings of Lord Kapila (PDF) (ZIP)
- Teachings of Queen Kunti (PDF) (ZIP)
- Teachings of Prahlada Maharaja (PDF)
- A Second Chance (PDF) (ZIP)
- Life Comes from Life (PDF) (ZIP)
- Light of the Bhagavata (ZIP)
- Sri Brahma Samhita (PDF) (ZIP)
- Sri Ishopanishad (PDF) (ZIP)
- The Journey of Self Discovery (PDF) (ZIP)
- The Laws of Nature: An Infallible Justice (PDF) (ZIP)
- The Path of Perfection (PDF) (ZIP)
- Beyond Birth and Death (PDF) (ZIP)
- Civilization and Transcendence (ZIP)
- Easy Journey to Other Planets (PDF) (ZIP)
- Elevation to Krishna Consciousness (PDF) (ZIP)
- Krishna Consciousness - the Topmost Yoga System (PDF) (ZIP)
- Krishna Consciousness the Matchless Gift (ZIP)
- Krishna: The Reservoir of Pleasure (PDF)
- Message of Godhead (PDF) (ZIP)
- Mukunda Mala Stotra (PDF) (ZIP)
- Nectar of Instruction (PDF) (ZIP)
- On the Way to Krishna (PDF) (ZIP)
- Perfect Questions Perfect Answers (PDF) (ZIP)
- Perfection of Yoga (PDF) (ZIP)
- Raja Vidya: The King of Education (PDF) (ZIP)
- Narada Bhakti Sutra (The Value of Devotion) (PDF) (ZIP)
Sri Caitanya Caritamrita
- Adi-Lila (Part One) (PDF) (ZIP)
- Madhya-Lila (Part Two) (PDF) (ZIP)
- Antya-Lila (Part Three) (PDF) (ZIP)
Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana)
- First Canto - Creation (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Two - The Cosmic Manifestation (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Three - The Status Quo (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Four - The Creation of the Fourth Order (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Five - The Creative Impetus (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Six - Prescribed Duties for Mankind (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Seven - The Science of God (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Eight - Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Nine - Liberation (PDF) (ZIP)
- Canto Ten - The Summum Bonum (PDF) (ZIP)
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